Why the Indians like the French
USA History
Tutorial: Quizzes
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Why the Indians like the French
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Übersicht Fragen:
1. True / False / Not in the Text (Zuordnung)
- The French fought the Indians.
- The British fought the Indians.
- The French fought the British together with the Indians.
2. True / False / Not in the Text (Zuordnung)
- The French stole land from the Indians.
- The British stole land from the Indians.
- The French didn’t steal land from the Indians.
3. True / False / Not in the Text (Multiple Choice)
- Before they traded with the French, the Indians hadn’t known what metal was.
4. True / False / Not in the Text (Multiple Choice)
- The British settled on land that belonged to the Indians.
5. True / False / Not in the Text (Multiple Choice)
- The French built their houses on their own land.
6. Complete the sentence: (Lückentext / Drag and Drop)
The French _________ in small groups and never _________ in one place too long.
7. True / False / Not in the Text (Multiple Choice)
- French and Indians never married each other.
8. True / False / Not in the Text (Multiple Choice)
- In Europe, French and British weren’t at war, only in America.
9. Complete the sentence: (Lückentext / Drag and Drop)
The Indians who were the __________ Americans believed that the _________ belonged to the ________ of the __________ that lived on it.
10. Complete the sentence: (Lückentext / Drag and Drop)
The __________ man believed that a _________ of land could be ________ by one man who could do whatever he __________ to do.